Hey there!

You + Me = Something in common: we’re each forging a trail for our families, searching for the best way to provide a meaningful education for our children.

There are many toils and snares along this homeschool path, and I’ve hit my share of snags. But here’s the thing: I’ve made it all the way through several times (K-12), and if I can do it, so can you.

My four previously homeschooled offspring have all graduated from college (two with their Master’s degree) and are leading lives that inspire me and make me super duper proud. I also have two eleventh graders at home, so I’m still adventuring along the trail.

The reason I’m here – on this website – is to offer a heads up and a hand up. We all experience those “lions and tigers and bears” on our way towards Emerald City, but it’s a lot less scary when we’re walking it together: strength and security in numbers, right?

So consider me your fellow traveler, another hiker on the trail. I have ideas and stories to share if you’re feeling weary or unsure. Everything I write about is from experience. I’ve been “lost off the trail” and lived through “the crashing waves of the sea.” So if you see yourself in any of these pages, know that I’ve been there, too.

Wishing you the best. Let’s do this!